Free the Cloneables!

It appears our systems have been breached! An unknown antagonist has broken in to our systems and discovered the location of our conference. Their aim is to use their advanced technology to clone as many of our developers as they can, to harvest their KENNIS after the event. What to do now?!?

There is hope, however. Due to a technical glitch in their pipeline, the automated selection system they use turned out to be almost unusable on our planet when their team secretly landed last week. They have resorted to the local convention of paper based obfuscation encryption to be able to communicate amongst themselves about who to clone. The uplink to the selection system however, is still active.

We have discovered a loophole. Combinations of their data with our own have been found to automatically disqualify candidates for cloning. We can all free ourselves this way! There are rumours, however, of a secret operative called PEER who will soon reset the connection, so be quick about it…

May the source be with you!